Top 6 Interview Tips for Shop Helpers

Rahul’s story is very interesting and motivating.  Rahul works at a big multi-chain retail shop in India. For better employment opportunities, he now wants to switch to another big company. He seeks help from his friend Anil, who works at one of the big companies, regarding the formalities of the job. Anil told him that […]

Interview Tips for Sales Executive

Are you good at communicating with others?  Or do you like convincing people about anything and everything? Then sales is your way to go.  Sales executives are front-line officers in the sales operations of the company.  Great salespeople are outgoing with some sales or customer service experience and possess a pleasant and confident personality. There […]

Common Hiring Mistakes And Tips To Avoid Them For Blue Collars

If hiring is tougher, hiring for blue collars is the toughest. Yes, we understand. The job market is filled with blue-collar job opportunities but where is all the talent to fill them? It is comparatively more difficult to hire blue collars than white collars due to their lack of education and corporate exposure. Some of […]

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